Y yoga

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Y-yoga stands for well-being from the inside out. The assortment includes jewelry, crystals, and accessories that are specially designed to make you stop and breathe, get to know yourself better, and learn to enjoy your full potential.


Y-yoga was created based on an interest in yoga, crystals and jewelry by Lena and Johanna Westerdahl, the founders of 7EAST.

"We have always loved jewellery". Both Johanna and Lena have designed and manufactured their own jewelry since they were young, but it was only with 7EAST that the dream of being able to design jewelry for others came true. "We have gathered a lot of knowledge, contacts and experience through 7EAST. But have long felt that we want to expand and grow with our great interest in well-being from the inside out." It was in that idea and with a visit to a fantastic shop with healing crystals in Milan that the foundation for y-yoga was laid. Y-yoga is a brand of jewelry, crystals, and accessories designed to remind you to stop and breathe, get to know yourself better, and learn to enjoy your full potential and life to the fullest.


All our jewelry is designed in Sweden and handmade by a small family-owned factory in China. We handpick the stones and select the ones that appeal to us the most. We take the jewelery that is not sold back to the factory and remake it, in order to reduce wastage and to save the earth's resources.