Enkel fullmåneritual
The attraction of the full moon is very strong and it is the night when your crystals are extra charged if you place them in the moonlight. Feel free to take the opportunity to do a gratitude ritual and give thanks for the moon phase that is now over.


When there is a full moon and a new moon, I usually do a ritual that is similar but with slightly different intentions. Right at the full moon is a perfect time for gratitude. This is how I usually do it:

Take out your crystals that make you grounded and calm, such as pyrite or amethyst or both, your sage bundle and a paper and pen. Then start by lighting the sage bundle, moving sweepingly around the room in a way that feels right for the moment, while taking a few deep breaths. When the room is filled with sage smoke, open a window and place your sage on a dish to let it go out. Then sit comfortably and take 10-20 deep breaths in full presence. Try to let go of other thoughts and become one with your breathing. If you find it difficult to let go of your thoughts and if you feel stressed, take a few more breaths and repeat "Here" on the inhale and "Now" on the exhale.

When you feel yourself relaxing and being "here and now," grab your pen and paper and write a gratitude list. Write small things that you are grateful for, like maybe you bought a new flower. And write big things you're grateful for, like maybe you and your family are healthy.

When your list feels complete, place your crystals on it and place it in the moonlight overnight. Feel how the power of the moon works wonders and how you feel lighter the next day.

Good luck!


Johanna at Y-YOGA