
Many of us already know the power behind a strong morning routine. Something that you do every morning, because we want to and feel good about it. Many people have a routine without noticing it. Maybe your routine is to get up, wash your face and brush your teeth. Or is your routine to go straight to the coffee maker and pour a cup of coffee? Some of you probably have a routine that includes both exercise and some time for yourself. Now I thought I'd tell you about my morning routine and how I made it a habit.

I have long been a person who has wanted a morning routine. I have felt a need for alone time in the morning, to give myself some love, peace and a nice start to the day. This is what my routine looks like now:

I get up and wash my face. I roll out the yoga mat, start my playlist, light a candle and some incense and start with 5-10 min of meditation. After that, I stretch the body in some yoga poses for about 15 minutes, here I do movements that the body needs for the day. I empathize and listen. Sometimes I sit down and stretch and sometimes I get a little more strength. When I'm done feeling my body, I change into my bathing suit and go down to the bay where I live and take a swim. I do it in full presence, because in the October water you need focus and calm to be able to stay for a while.

Many people ask me why I go down and bathe every day and if that is not all? And yes, it's cold, it's freezing cold. But something happens to me, to my body when I'm in the water. I become completely calm, all of me. My body and mind are completely still. To experience that feeling in the water, when your head is at the height of the water surface, at the same time as the sun rises. It's absolutely amazing and it's one of the reasons I do it every day.

So, how did I get this routine to stick. Yes, partly because I have decided to prioritize myself every day. And I've found a routine that I can do even when I'm sick or on the go. Apart from bathing, which of course I only do if I'm healthy. But when I travel, I replace bathing with a cold shower.

I think that's the key, finding a routine that can be scaled and scaled off when needed. If you need a little extra sleep in the morning, there is still time for 5 minutes of meditation and 5 minutes of movement, and that's all it takes to get a great start to the day. But don't forget to prioritize yourself, because only YOU can get it done.

Hope this was inspiring for you, feel free to write if you want tips or want to share some ideas.

Have a wonderful morning

//Johanna at 7EAST