Skötselråd - Slipsar

After the suit, shirt and shoes, the tie is the most important component of formal attire. It has been designated for severe stress already through the constant tying. It is therefore extra important to take care of it carefully. Remember to be careful when tying and untying your tie, use smooth movements and never jerk the tie knot.

If the tie is wrinkled, we do not recommend ironing it. Instead, roll it up with the narrow end inwards and leave it overnight, then most of the creases are usually gone the next day. If this doesn't work, you can try hanging it in the shower and letting the water vapor smooth out the tie, alternatively steam it with a steamer.

Never wash the tie. If you get a stain on it, you can try to remove it alone in that case. The risk of washing or submitting the tie to the dry cleaners is that it wears on the natural material.